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2023/24 Hunt Photos of All Bucks
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Also please note: Hunt reports are posted in reverse order with the most recent hunt at the top of the page. To follow our season in chronological order, scroll to the bottom and work your way to the top of this page.
Hunt 15
Y'all Hunt 15 was brutally cold with temps dipping to 3 degrees. Frozen pipes and the stomach bug got one more hunter and guide. However, it was a successful last hunt of the season.
Hunt 14
Lots of deer tagged on this hunt as there were extra tags to buy. The heaviest doe was tagged by Devin Byrd at 110#. The most memorible of the hunt was the absolute horrible stomach bug that knocked out 9 people, guides and hunters.
Hunt 13
Well it was chilly, cloudy, and damp. The deer were hunkered down staying warm but six buck decided to take a stroll down the dirt lane. The heaviest doe was taken by Scott Patterson at 101lbs. Great camp atmosphere and excellent food.
Hunt 12
It was cold and windy as hunt 12 started with six Trophy option hunters. Three of the six tagged a buck and all tagged does. The does were heavy this hunt and the cup went to Josh Dexter at 115lbs. We also had our first ever baby in camp, Nick and Ashley Glosser brought their son Cooper who is 1yr old.
Hunt 11 2023
The last hunt before Christmas break. This was a hunt full of interesting bucks and the does were dang scarce. The heaviest doe was taken by Gerry Taylor weighing 104.5, Have to add the .5 because there was another doe at 104. Weather wise, it was beautiful. We had some more rain yesturday.
Hunt 10
Cold and rainy was the game on this hunt, but it didn't slow down the buck hunting. All nice mature bucks were harvested. The final morning hunt was rained out with 2" however all the buck were already tagged. The heavy doe went to Rogan Wright at 102#, he also was the leader of the hunt on a great buck at 141 2/8".
Hunt 9
The hunts are whizing by, the rut has wound down now but there are still a few does cycling and HB lantz used his rattle bag from the blind to bring in a nice one. The days have been absolutley beautiful with clear chilly mornings and warm afternoons. The heavy doe went to hunter Kevin Daley @ 105#s. New friends we made and great hunting camp memories.
Hunt 8
Hunt eight came and went so fast, all the hunters had their bucks tagged in two days! What a successful hunt, with beautiful weather and several new guests. Familier hunter Phil Peppers scored the buck of the hunt, Again! He was also on hunt #4 and also had the biggest then as well. All in all al the hunters has a great experience with some rattling bucks in and pig hunting. The heaviest doe went to Brad McCulley at 96#s.
Hunt 7
Gosh, Hunt 7 was a tough one. The moon was full and the deer had holled up during the daylight hours and decided not to move around to much. However, the five bucks that were taken were beautiful. Some were rattled and some were frm the blinds. The heaviest doe was tagged by Ray Jordan weighing 108#s.
HUNT 6 2023
You never know when that special buck is going to walk out! It could be the very first minutes of your hunt, or the very last. This hunt it was night one that the buck of the hunt ventured to far out of the brush. Scoring in at 143 1/2". It was a great hunt with lots of nice bucks and beautiful cool mornings and pleasant afternoons. Some new guests enjoyed the splendor of west Texas and the returning ones always excited for the hunt.
Hunt # 5
Rattle, Rattle! The buck are in full swing chasing, and breeding - rattling was hot this hunt. Marie Boehler shot the buck of the hunt at 30yrds off hand, an exciting adventure for her. The buck was 124 5/8". The weather has been gloomy and bleak and we haven't seen the sunshine since I don't know when, I feel like we're stuck in folsom prison! LOL
It's amazing how Adobe brings hunters from all sides of the country, we had north, south, and west represented. Many of this group have hunted with us for many many years, and some just three, but these hunters have all made a bond in the last three seasons that will last a lifetime.
Hunt 4 2023
Gosh darn day one was hot, 90 degrees! Then it clouded up and rained and the sun has not shone since. What a great hunt with great freinds, lots of laughs, and jokes. The rut is in full swing and the huters had lots of exciting hunts rattling and seeing all sizes of bucks come running in. Some experienced this for the first time and made some lasting memories. The heaviest doe was taken by Tessa Cotton and the biggest buck to Phil Peppers. Don't forget you can double click on the pictures to see the bucks numbers.
HUNT # 3
Hunt 3 was dang warm compared to hunt 2, we were in the 80's this time. Texas weather, bring a sweater and shorts, you never know. Another successful hunt went down in the books with some great guys from PA. The first buck tagged held the lead the entire hunt at 126 7/8" for Todd Legg and the heaviest doe went to Mike Zuba at 108lbs. The bucks are in full swing rut and were responding to rattling making it an exciting hunt but hard to come by does as they are being run ragged. Enjoy the Pictures, don't forget if you double click on an image it will pop up with the bucks details.
Hunt 2 2023
Brrrr, hunt 2 started with drizzling rain and damp with morning temps dropping into the upper 20's. Needless to say we had our first frost of the year. The chilly days had the deer hunkered down staying warm. By the third day the sun came out and the deer started moving, and the hunters had their buck tags filled with a day and half left of the hunt. The colder snap in weather has the bucks necks swelled up and they are moving, looking for action. We had some incredibley healthy deer taken, the heaviest buck was 185# and several does coming in over 100#. Doe of the hunt was tagged by Sam Seps at 117#.
HUNT 1, 2023
Hunt one kicked off with wet conditions, after the long drought the rain finally came on day one. It continued on and made traveling on the ranches a bit difficult, as we ended up with 3" of rain. It was a very sucessful hunt with 7 of the 8 hunters tagging a buck and my first of getting to photograph a coyote at camp. The deer carcases are in in good health with decent weights, 183# beeing the heaviest. It looks like we are in pre-rut and with the cold spell coming this Monday will probably set off the first round of true rut, we will see, stay tuned. Heaviest doe 104#, Adam Petryszak